Majorityrights News > Category: Law & Order

Gibson’s foodmart awarded $44 million in damages from Oberlin College’s anti-White slander

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 16 June 2019 17:36.

FILE - In this Nov. 22, 2017 file photo, pedestrians pass the storefront of Gibson’s Food Mart & Bakery in Oberlin, Ohio. A jury has awarded $11 million to a father and son who claimed Ohio’s Oberlin College and an administrator hurt their business and libeled them during a dispute that triggered protests and allegations of racism following a shoplifting incident.
(AP Photo/Dake Kang, File)

Oberlin College Racial Dispute

Market awarded $44M in racism dispute with Oberlin College

CLEVELAND (AP) — Owners of a market in a famously liberal town were awarded $44 million in damages this week in their lawsuit claiming Oberlin College hurt their business and libeled them in a case some observers said embodied racial hypersensitivity and political correctness run amok.

A jury in Lorain County awarded David Gibson, son Allyn Gibson and Gibson’s Bakery, of Oberlin, $33 million in punitive damages Thursday. That comes on top of an award a day earlier of $11 million in compensatory damages.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you have spoken,” Oberlin College attorney Rachelle Zidar told the jury Thursday before the larger award was announced, according to the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram . “You have sent a profound message. We have heard you. Believe me when I say, ‘Colleges across the country have heard you.’”

Oberlin College spokesman Scott Wargo declined to comment after the award was announced.

Problems between the Gibsons, their once-beloved bakery and the college began in November 2016 after Allyn Gibson, who is white, confronted a black Oberlin student who had shoplifted wine. Two other black students joined in and assaulted Gibson, police said.

The day after the arrests, hundreds of students protested outside the bakery . Members of Oberlin College’s student senate published a resolution saying Gibson’s had “a history of racial profiling and discriminatory treatment.”

When news of the protests spread online, bikers and counterprotesters soon converged on the town to jeer students and make purchases from Gibson’s. Conservatives derided the students on social media as coddled “snowflakes” with a mob mentality, while students attacked the store as a symbol of systemic racism.

The Gibsons sued Oberlin and the dean of students in November 2017, accusing faculty members of encouraging the protests. The lawsuit said college tour guides informed prospective students that Gibson’s is racist.

The Gibsons said the protests devastated their business and forced them to lay off workers. They said they haven’t paid themselves or other family members since the protests.

The three black students later pleaded guilty to misdemeanors and read statements in court that said Allyn Gibson’s actions weren’t racially motivated.

The school initially stopped doing business with Gibson’s, later resumed the relationship and ended it again when the Gibsons filed their lawsuit.

Oberlin has long been a bastion of liberalism. During the 1830s, it became one of the first colleges to admit blacks and women. During the 1850s, it became a stop on the Underground Railroad.

Today, about 15% of Oberlin’s 8,300 residents are black.

More recently, news articles quoted students decrying the school dining hall’s sushi and Vietnamese banh mi sandwiches as cultural appropriation.

The Gibsons’ attorneys said the college, which charges $70,000 a year for tuition and room and board, has an $887 million endowment and can easily afford to pay the family what they are owed.

Oberlin’s tree-lined campus is roughly 35 miles (56 kilometers) southwest of downtown Cleveland.

Yahoo News, Associated Press, MARK GILLISPIE, Associated Press, June 13, 2019

Why a Green New Deal is Sensible Economics

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 12 June 2019 05:32.

Ann Pettifor – Why a Green New Deal is Sensible Economics

BRAVE NEW EUROPE, 11 June 2019:

“If we are to survive earth systems breakdown, then we must begin by transforming the Treasury and by removing the politicians that threaten the futures of today’s younger generations.” Ann Pettifor writes on the British Chancellor’s recent attack on ‘net zero’.

It took a child, Greta Thunberg, to alert much of the adult world to the catastrophic threat posed not just by climate breakdown, but earth systems breakdown. Sadly her voice did not reach one of the politicians responsible for defending the nation’s security: Philip Hammond. Watching the Chancellor attack the Prime Minister for wanting to invest a smidgeon of Britain’s annual income in the future survival of the nation, it’s hard to believe that it is now eighty three years since John Maynard Keynes invented the field of macroeconomics. We have had eighty three years in which to train Treasury economists to think in terms of the aggregate economy, and we still have a Chancellor that views the economy through the wrong end of a telescope – as if it were a household.

From Keynes’s macroeconomic perspective, the public sector finances are not analogous to household finances. Keynes turned Say’s Law on its head (CW XXIX, p. 81):

“For the proposition that supply creates its own demand, I shall substitute the proposition that expenditure creates its own income”

Given spare capacity, public expenditures not only are productive in their own right but also foster additional activity in the private sector, according to the multiplier. Increased employment means increased incomes, which, from the point of view of government, means higher tax revenues and lower welfare (and, later, debt interest) expenditures.

Now one can just imagine how intellectually challenging it would be for #spreadsheetPhil to accept that “expenditure creates its own income”. It does not do that for individuals, or even households, he will argue. Quite so. But the collective sum that is government expenditure, if invested in the creation of a skilled, well-paid ‘green carbon army’ would generate considerable income for government – and would help ensure the survival of life on earth.


Apologies to NYPD and Prosecutors

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 08 June 2019 15:42.

The sum total of the “exoneration”: the word of a psycho. The SJW’s verdict: Award the criminals $41 million.”

Just as I cannot imagine fabricating confessions to convict innocent kids, I cannot imagine a media that would put out so dishonest a story that it led to four guilty kids being awarded 41 Million dollars. It is reminiscent of feudalism, but this time where different preferential rules, laws and “news” apply to blacks.

I’m referring to a PBS documentary about false conviction of The Central Park Five, which I reported at Majorityrights in an article originally titled “Coerced Confessions of The Central Park Five” and now titled, Confessions of The Central Park Five.

Not being a journalist by trade - in fact, looking upon the news section as a chore to be relegated to the background of theoretical concerns - the strategy enlisted here, rather, for getting at the truth of the matter on news stories, is to encourage comments to correct mistakes and oversights in postings (to be distinguished from ad hominem attacks aimed at destroying me and the platform because this platform doesn’t allow final say from those who promote Christianity, Jewish interests, Hitler/Nazism, race mixing, scientism, or bizarre conspiracy theories). Unfortunately, because those interests are not included in this platform, the site has become a no-mans land, even though it is an eminently reasonable platform, I am confident to argue, the most reasonable and best platform for the advocacy of European peoples.

Goodness knows our advocacy is necessary when the media can be this biased against Whites and in the promotion of black interests.

Apologies to the NYPD and the prosecutors. A social constructionist approach to getting at the truth does work but can be quite belated in its corrections if people don’t participate in getting at our truth but are rather motivated by the hope that I fail as I do not follow their A gods, Abraham, Adolf and sundry other Absurdity.


The city of New York released thousands of documents from the 1989 Central Park rape case last week, provoking more weeping and gnashing of teeth over Donald Trump’s full-page ads in four New York newspapers taken out soon after that attack with the headline:



His ad never mentioned the Central Park rape, but talked about New York families—“White, Black, Hispanic and Asian”—unable to enjoy walks through the park at dusk. Of muggers and murderers, he said, “I no longer want to understand their anger. I want them to understand our anger. ... They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes.”

According to the media, the five convicted boys were INNOCENT — and Trump would have executed the poor lads! This is nonsense. They wouldn’t have been executed because the rape victim miraculously survived. Also, they weren’t innocent.

Let’s look at the facts of the case.

On April 19, 1989, investment banker Trisha Meili went for a run through Central Park around 9 p.m., whereupon she was attacked by a wolf pack looking for a “white girl,” dragged 100 yards into the woods, stripped, beaten with a pipe and a brick, raped and left for dead.

By the time the police found Meili, she’d lost three-quarters of her blood. Her case was initially assigned to the homicide unit of the D.A.‘s office because none of her doctors thought she would make it through the night.

Of the 37 youths brought in for questioning about the multiple violent attacks in the park that night, only 10 were charged with a crime and only five for the rape of the jogger: Antron McCray, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson and Korey Wise. All five confessed—four on videotape with adult relatives present and one with a parent present, but not on videotape.

Two unanimous, multicultural juries convicted them, despite aggressive defense lawyers putting on their best case.

But the media have a different method of judging guilt and innocence. They don’t look at irrelevant factors, such as evidence, but at relevant factors such as the race of the accused and the race of the victim.

Unfortunately for Meili, she was guilty of being white, while her attackers belonged to the Brahmin caste: “people of color.” So, after waiting an interminable 13 years, the media proclaimed that the five convicts had been “exonerated” by DNA evidence.

DNA evidence didn’t convict them, so it couldn’t “exonerate” them. This was a gang attack. It was always known that other rapists “got away,” as the prosecutor told the jury, and that none of the defendants’ DNA was found in the jogger’s cervix or on her sock—the only samples that were taken.

While it blows most people away to find out that none of the suspects’ DNA was found on Meili, this is a sleight of hand. The trick is that we’re looking at it through a modern lens. True, today, these kids’ DNA would have been found all over the crime scene. But in 1989, DNA was a primitive science. Cops wouldn’t have even bothered collecting samples for DNA tests back then.

The case was solved with other evidence—and there was a lot of it.


The “exoneration” comes down to Reyes’ unsubstantiated claim that he acted alone. Years of careful investigation, videotaped confessions, witness statements, assembling evidence, trial by jury and repeated appeals—all that is nothing compared to the word of an upstanding citizen like Reyes, a violent psychopath who sexually assaulted his own mother and raped and murdered a pregnant woman while her children heard the attack through the bedroom door.

That’s the sum total of the “exoneration”: the word of a psycho.

Note that Reyes faced absolutely no penalty for his confession—the statute of limitations had run out years earlier. Before he confessed, Reyes had been moved to Korey Wise’s cellblock. He requested a transfer on the grounds that he feared Wise’s gang. All he had to do was confess—with no penalty—and he got his prison transfer!

Not even this monster’s self-serving “confession” can explain away the five attackers’ other crimes that night—vicious beatings that left one parkgoer unconscious and another permanently injured. These attacks, the “Central Park Five” never disputed, and frequently admitted.

The SJW’s verdict: Award the criminals $41 million. Trump’s idea: Punish them.

And you still can’t figure out how he became president.

Regina Denny says: their behavior results from lack of education, bring them to Italy to be schooled

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 07 June 2019 05:27.

They didn’t have quite the excuse to go after Regina as they did Reginald, but if they did ...well, they just lack education, has nothing to do with distinctive black hyper assertiveness…


What Lauren Southern’s Borderless Didn’t Say

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 06 June 2019 08:04.

Ignore Lana’s idiotic use of the YKW supplied “enemy term”, i.e., “Leftists”, and replace it with the correct term, “Liberals” and it is otherwise a good critique of Lauren Southern’s ((())) “Borderless.”

Lana’s inclination to get suckered into a right wing position is probably a significant reason why Red Ice has been spared the recent Youtube purge so far.

(((Lauren Southern))) equipped with gas mask, helmet and protective eye goggles, ready for the “surprise attack” from anti-fa.

And as far as Lauren Southern (Simonsen) goes, Majorityrights has long seen her game as kosher.

Related at Majorityrights:

Hardly The Battle of Cable Street: What Berkeley Doesn’t Mean

The right is infamous for getting people swept-up and lured into mistakes.

(102:47) Richard Spencer: In terms of the Alt Lite, I can only imagine that a lot of them are waking up to this obvious reality

(102:59) Charles: I think they are. (((Lauren Southern))), I think, just made a video saying that it’s time to fight back.

(103:07) Richard Spencer: Yeah

TELL NO ONE (2019): Documentary about pedophilia in the Catholic Church of Poland

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 04 June 2019 17:42.

The independent documentary movie by Tomasz and Marek Sekielski brothers. This is truth about the Catholic Church in Poland.

U.S. 1 Hovers Over London…

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 03 June 2019 19:51.

A perspicuous overview of Sadiq Khan’s London…

Your Abrahamic friends sure know how to run things, Donald       ... like a slaughter house.

Deutschland Dispatch: Dennis Dale talks with a German friend

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 02 June 2019 06:26.

Excellent discussion between Dennis and a German lady friend, Tanya, who acquits herself and the boomer predicament quite well, while discussing the disaster of post war liberalism on Germany (culminating in the cataclysm of Merkel) and its impact on Whites generally…

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James Bowery commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Thu, 29 Aug 2024 16:51. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:26. (View)

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